Source code for

"""Model definition not used in any publication"""
import pickle
from pathlib import Path

import torch
from torch import nn

from import RaulNetV9_Compilable

[docs] class RaulNetV13(nn.Module): """Wrapper to make one RaulNetV9_Compilable per finger Attributes ---------- learning_rate : float The learning rate. nr_of_input_channels : int The number of input channels. nr_of_outputs : int The number of outputs. cnn_encoder_channels : Tuple[int, int, int] Tuple containing 3 integers defining the cnn encoder channels. mlp_encoder_channels : Tuple[int, int] Tuple containing 2 integers defining the mlp encoder channels. event_search_kernel_length : int Integer that sets the length of the kernels searching for action potentials. event_search_kernel_stride : int Integer that sets the stride of the kernels searching for action potentials. """ def __init__(self, models_path: Path): super(RaulNetV13, self).__init__() self.cnns = nn.ModuleList() self.mlps = nn.ModuleList() model_paths = {} for name_file_path in list(models_path.rglob("mlflow.runName")): model_paths["r").read().split(" ")[-1]] = name_file_path for name_file_path in [ model_paths["thumb"], model_paths["index"], model_paths["middle"], model_paths["ring"], model_paths["pinky"], ]: temp = RaulNetV9_Compilable( **pickle.load((Path(name_file_path).parent.parent / "artifacts" / "model_hparams.pkl").open("rb")) ) temp.load_state_dict( { k.replace("model._orig_mod.", ""): v for k, v in torch.load(name_file_path.parent.parent / "artifacts" / "").items() } ) self.cnns.append(temp.cnn_encoder) self.mlps.append(temp.mlp_encoder)
[docs] def forward(self, inputs) -> torch.Tensor: input_tensor = self._reshape_and_normalize(inputs) return[mlp(cnn(input_tensor)) for cnn, mlp in zip(self.cnns, self.mlps)], dim=1)
def _reshape_and_normalize(self, inputs): x = torch.stack(inputs.split(64, dim=2), dim=2) return (x - x.mean(dim=(3, 4), keepdim=True)) / (x.std(dim=(3, 4), keepdim=True, unbiased=True) + 1e-15)