Source code for doc_octopy.datasets.defaults

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import butter

from doc_octopy.datasets.filters.emg_augmentations import (
from doc_octopy.datasets.filters.generic import ApplyFunctionFilter, IndexDataFilter, IdentityFilter
from doc_octopy.datasets.filters.temporal import RMSFilter, SOSFrequencyFilter
from doc_octopy.datasets.supervised import EMGDataset
from doc_octopy.utils.constants import EXPERIMENTS_TO_USE

[docs] class EMBCDataset: """Official dataset maker for the EMBC paper [1]. Parameters ---------- emg_data_path : Path The path to the pickle file containing the EMG data. This should be a dictionary with the keys as the tasks in tasks_to_use and the values as the EMG data. The EMG data should be of shape (320, samples). ground_truth_data_path : Path The path to the pickle file containing the ground truth data. This should be a dictionary with the keys as the tasks in tasks_to_use and the values as the ground truth data. The ground truth data should be of shape (21, 3, samples). save_path : Path The path to save the dataset to. This should be a zarr file. tasks_to_use : Sequence[str], optional The tasks to use. The default is EXPERIMENTS_TO_USE. Methods ------- create_dataset() Creates the dataset. References ---------- [1] Sîmpetru, R.C., Osswald, M., Braun, D.I., Souza de Oliveira, D., Cakici, A.L., Del Vecchio, A., 2022. Accurate Continuous Prediction of 14 Degrees of Freedom of the Hand from Myoelectrical Signals through Convolutive Deep Learning, in: Proceedings of the 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) pp. 702–706. """ def __init__( self, emg_data_path: Path, ground_truth_data_path: Path, save_path: Path, tasks_to_use: Sequence[str] = EXPERIMENTS_TO_USE, debug: bool = False, ): self.emg_data_path = emg_data_path self.ground_truth_data_path = ground_truth_data_path self.save_path = save_path self.tasks_to_use = tasks_to_use self.debug = debug
[docs] def create_dataset(self): EMGDataset( emg_data_path=self.emg_data_path, ground_truth_data_path=self.ground_truth_data_path, sampling_frequency=2048, tasks_to_use=self.tasks_to_use, save_path=self.save_path, emg_filter_pipeline_after_chunking=[ [ IdentityFilter(is_output=True), SOSFrequencyFilter( sos_filter_coefficients=butter( 4, 20, "lowpass", output="sos", fs=2048 ), is_output=True, ) ] ], emg_representations_to_filter_after_chunking=["Last"], ground_truth_filter_pipeline_before_chunking=[ [ ApplyFunctionFilter(function=np.reshape, name="Reshape", newshape=(63, -1)), IndexDataFilter(indices=(slice(3, 63),)), ] ], ground_truth_representations_to_filter_before_chunking=["Input"], ground_truth_filter_pipeline_after_chunking=[ [ApplyFunctionFilter(function=np.mean, name="Mean", axis=-1, is_output=True)] ], ground_truth_representations_to_filter_after_chunking=["Last"], augmentation_pipelines=[ [GaussianNoise(is_output=True)], [MagnitudeWarping(is_output=True, nr_of_grids=5)], [WaveletDecomposition(level=3, is_output=True, nr_of_grids=5)], ], amount_of_chunks_to_augment_at_once=500, debug=self.debug, ).create_dataset()
[docs] class CastelliniDataset: """Dataset maker made after the Castellini paper [1]. This is not the official dataset maker used but our own version made after the paper. Parameters ---------- emg_data_path : Path The path to the pickle file containing the EMG data. This should be a dictionary with the keys as the tasks in tasks_to_use and the values as the EMG data. The EMG data should be of shape (320, samples). ground_truth_data_path : Path The path to the pickle file containing the ground truth data. This should be a dictionary with the keys as the tasks in tasks_to_use and the values as the ground truth data. The ground truth data should be of shape (21, 3, samples). save_path : Path The path to save the dataset to. This should be a zarr file. Methods ------- create_dataset() Creates the dataset. References ---------- [1] Nowak, M., Vujaklija, I., Sturma, A., Castellini, C., Farina, D., 2023. Simultaneous and Proportional Real-Time Myocontrol of Up to Three Degrees of Freedom of the Wrist and Hand. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 70, 459–469. """ def __init__( self, emg_data_path: Path, ground_truth_data_path: Path, save_path: Path, tasks_to_use: Sequence[str] = EXPERIMENTS_TO_USE, ): self.emg_data_path = emg_data_path self.ground_truth_data_path = ground_truth_data_path self.save_path = save_path self.tasks_to_use = tasks_to_use
[docs] def create_dataset(self): EMGDataset( emg_data_path=self.emg_data_path, ground_truth_data_path=self.ground_truth_data_path, tasks_to_use=self.tasks_to_use, save_path=self.save_path, emg_filter_pipeline_before_chunking=[ [ SOSFrequencyFilter( sos_filter_coefficients=butter( 5, (20, 500), "bandpass", output="sos", fs=2048 ), ), SOSFrequencyFilter( sos_filter_coefficients=butter( 5, (45, 55), "bandpass", output="sos", fs=2048 ), ), RMSFilter(window_size=204, shift=20), ] ], ground_truth_filter_pipeline_before_chunking=[ [ ApplyFunctionFilter(function=np.reshape, newshape=(63, -1)), IndexDataFilter(indices=(slice(3, 63),)), ] ], ground_truth_filter_pipeline_after_chunking=[ [ApplyFunctionFilter(function=np.mean, axis=-1, is_output=True)] ], augmentation_pipelines=[ [GaussianNoise(is_output=True)], [MagnitudeWarping(is_output=True)], [WaveletDecomposition(level=3, is_output=True)], ], amount_of_chunks_to_augment_at_once=500, ).create_dataset()