import warnings
from functools import partial
from typing import Sequence, Union
import numpy as np
from myoverse.datasets.filters._template import FilterBaseClass
class ApplyFunctionFilter(FilterBaseClass):
"""Filter that applies a function to the input array.
input_is_chunked : bool
Whether the input is chunked or not.
function : callable
The function to apply. This can be any function that accepts a numpy array as input
and returns a numpy array as output. Example: `np.mean` or lambda x: x + 1.
is_output : bool
Whether the filter is an output filter. If True, the resulting signal will be outputted by and dataset pipeline.
__call__(input_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray
Apply the function to the input array.
def __init__(
input_is_chunked: bool = None,
is_output: bool = False,
name: str = None,
function: callable = None,
self.function = partial(function, **function_kwargs)
if not callable(self.function):
raise ValueError("function must be a callable.")
def _filter(self, input_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return self.function(input_array)
class IndexDataFilter(FilterBaseClass):
"""Filter that indexes the input array.
indices : Sequence[Union[int, slice]]
The indices to use for indexing the input array. Example: [0, 1, slice(2, 4)] will select the
first two elements of the first dimension and the third and fourth elements of the second dimension.
input_is_chunked : bool
Whether the input is chunked or not.
is_output : bool
Whether the filter is an output filter. If True, the resulting signal will be outputted by and dataset pipeline.
__call__(input_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray
Filters the input array. Input shape is determined by whether the allowed_input_type
is "both", "chunked" or "not chunked".
def __init__(
input_is_chunked: bool = None,
indices: Sequence[Union[int, slice]] = None,
is_output: bool = False,
self.indices = indices
if not isinstance(self.indices, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError("indices must be a list or tuple.")
for i in self.indices:
if not isinstance(i, (int, slice, Sequence)):
raise ValueError("Each element in indices must be an int or a slice.")
def _filter(self, input_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return input_array[self.indices]
class ChunkizeDataFilter(FilterBaseClass):
"""Filter that chunks the input array.
chunk_size : int
The size of each chunk.
chunk_shift : int
The shift between each chunk. If provided, the chunk_overlap parameter is ignored.
chunk_overlap : int
The overlap between each chunk. If provided, the chunk_shift parameter is ignored.
input_is_chunked : bool
Whether the input is chunked or not.
is_output : bool
Whether the filter is an output filter. If True, the resulting signal will be outputted by and dataset pipeline.
__call__(input_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray
Filters the input array. Input shape is determined by whether the allowed_input_type
is "both", "chunked" or "not chunked.
def __init__(
input_is_chunked: bool = False,
chunk_size: int = None,
chunk_shift: int = None,
chunk_overlap: int = None,
is_output: bool = False,
name: str = None,
allowed_input_type="not chunked",
if input_is_chunked == True:
raise ValueError("This filter only accepts unchunked input.")
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.chunk_shift = chunk_shift
self.chunk_overlap = chunk_overlap
if self.chunk_size is None:
raise ValueError("chunk_size must be specified.")
if self.chunk_shift is None and self.chunk_overlap is None:
raise ValueError("Either chunk_shift or chunk_overlap must be specified.")
if self.chunk_shift is not None:
if self.chunk_shift < 1:
raise ValueError("chunk_shift must be greater than 0.")
if self.chunk_shift >= self.chunk_size:
"chunk_shift is greater than or equal to chunk_size. "
"Some parts of the data will be skipped. Be sure this is intended."
if self.chunk_overlap is not None:
if self.chunk_overlap < 0:
raise ValueError("chunk_overlap must be greater than or equal to 0.")
if self.chunk_overlap > self.chunk_size:
raise ValueError(
"chunk_overlap must be less than or equal to chunk_size."
def _filter(self, input_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
if self.chunk_shift is not None:
return np.array(
input_array[..., i : i + self.chunk_size]
for i in range(0, input_array.shape[-1], self.chunk_shift)
if i + self.chunk_size <= input_array.shape[-1]
return np.array(
input_array[..., i : i + self.chunk_size]
for i in range(
0, input_array.shape[-1], self.chunk_size - self.chunk_overlap
if i + self.chunk_size <= input_array.shape[-1]
class IdentityFilter(FilterBaseClass):
"""Filter that returns the input array unchanged.
This filter is useful for debugging and testing purposes.
input_is_chunked : bool
Whether the input is chunked or not.
is_output : bool
Whether the filter is an output filter. If True, the resulting signal will be outputted by and dataset pipeline.
__call__(input_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray
Returns the input array unchanged. If the input_array attribute is not None, this array will be returned.
def __init__(
input_is_chunked: bool = None,
is_output: bool = False,
name: str = None,
def _filter(self, input_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return input_array