Adding a new model to MyoGestic

This example shows how to add a new model to MyoGestic.

MyoGestic makes use of a configuration file to define the models that are available to the user in the GUI.

For ease of use, we have provided a template configuration file that you can use to add your own models myogestic/

This file contains 3 dictionaries (see MyoGestic Model Configurations for more details):

  • MODELS_MAP: a dictionary where the keys are the model names and the values are a tuple containing the model class and whether the model is a classifier or not.

  • FUNCTIONS_MAP: a dictionary where the keys are the model names and the values are a tuple containing the function to save, load, and train the model.

  • PARAMETERS_MAP: a dictionary where the keys are the model names and the values are a dictionary containing the parameters that the model needs. This dictionary is used to create the GUI for the model in the MyoGestic interface.

# print configuration file
with open("../myogestic/", "r") as f:
from catboost import CatBoostRegressor
from catboost.utils import get_gpu_device_count
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputRegressor

from myogestic.models.definitions import sklearn_models

    "Catboost Regressor Per Finger": (
        lambda **params: MultiOutputRegressor(CatBoostRegressor(**params)),
    "Linear Regressor Per Finger": (
        lambda **params: MultiOutputRegressor(LinearRegression(**params)),

    "Catboost Regressor Per Finger": {
        "load_function": sklearn_models.load,
        "train_function": sklearn_models.train,
    "Linear Regressor Per Finger": {
        "load_function": sklearn_models.load,
        "train_function": sklearn_models.train,

    "Catboost Regressor Per Finger": {
        "changeable": {
            "iterations": {
                "start_value": 10,
                "end_value": 1000,
                "step": 10,
                "default_value": 100,
            "l2_leaf_reg": {
                "start_value": 1,
                "end_value": 10,
                "step": 1,
                "default_value": 5,
            "border_count": {
                "start_value": 1,
                "end_value": 255,
                "step": 1,
                "default_value": 128,
        "unchangeable": {
            "task_type": "GPU" if get_gpu_device_count() > 0 else "CPU",
            "train_dir": None,
    "Linear Regressor Per Finger": {
        "changeable": {},
        "unchangeable": {},

Create a new model

Let’s add a new model to MyoGestic.


While we encourage you to add a new model in a separate file than the, you can add it directly to the file if you prefer since all that matters is that the model class you make ends up in the MODELS_MAP dictionary.


The model class should be able to recieve keyword arguments that are passed from the GUI. Also the model should have a function to save, load, train, and predict.

Our model is going to be a per finger regressor using the CatBoostRegressor from the catboost library.


Each model should have an unique name that is consistent across the MODELS_MAP, FUNCTIONS_MAP, and PARAMETERS_MAP dictionaries. This name will be displayed in the GUI.

from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputRegressor
from catboost import CatBoostRegressor

# for such a model. we do not need to define a new class. We can use a lambda function to create the model.
my_new_model = lambda **params: MultiOutputRegressor(CatBoostRegressor(**params))

# Add the model to the MODELS_MAP dictionary
    "My New Model": (
        False,  # False because it is *not* a classifier

Add functions to save, load, and train the model

Next, we need to define the functions to save, load, and train the model.


The save and load functions should take the model and a file path as arguments. The train function should take the model, the training data, the training ground truth, and a logger as arguments. See Sklearn Model Definitions for more details.

We can use the sklearn_models functions that are already defined in the myogestic.models.definitions module.

from myogestic.models.definitions import sklearn_models

# Add the functions to the FUNCTIONS_MAP dictionary
    "My New Model": {
        "load_function": sklearn_models.load,
        "train_function": sklearn_models.train,

Add parameters for the model

Finally, we need to define the parameters that the model needs.


The parameters should be divided into changeable and unchangeable parameters. The changeable parameters are the ones that the user can change in the GUI. The unchangeable parameters are the ones that the user cannot change and are set by the system.


Changeable parameters are dictionaries where the keys are predefined depending on the type of parameter. See MyoGestic Model Configurations for details. The keys are self-explanatory.


Unchangeable parameters are just key-value pairs.

For our model, we are going to define the following changeable parameters:

  • iterations: the number of iterations for the CatBoostRegressor.

  • l2_leaf_reg: the L2 regularization parameter for the CatBoostRegressor.

  • border_count: the number of splits for numerical features for the CatBoostRegressor.

We are also going to define the following unchangeable parameters:

  • task_type: the task type for the CatBoostRegressor. We are going to set it to “GPU” if there is a GPU available, otherwise we are going to set it to “CPU”.

  • train_dir: the directory where the model is saved. This is set to None since the model should be saved using our function and not directly by the library.

from catboost.utils import get_gpu_device_count

# Add the parameters to the PARAMETERS_MAP dictionary
    "My New Model": {
        "changeable": {
            "iterations": {
                "start_value": 10,
                "end_value": 1000,
                "step": 10,
                "default_value": 100,
            "l2_leaf_reg": {
                "start_value": 1,
                "end_value": 10,
                "step": 1,
                "default_value": 5,
            "border_count": {
                "start_value": 1,
                "end_value": 255,
                "step": 1,
                "default_value": 128,
        "unchangeable": {
            "task_type": "GPU" if get_gpu_device_count() > 0 else "CPU",
            "train_dir": None,

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.012 seconds)

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