Part 2: Recording Interface#

The recording interface is the second component of a visual interface in MyoGestic.

It is responsible for managing the ground-truth data collection. Since the ground-truth data depends on the visual interface, the recording interface must define the data collection process.

Step 1: Create the setup UI#

You will need an UI that will allow the user to start the recording, visualize the progress, and save the data.


To start copy the UI files in myogestic > gui > widgets > visual_interfaces > ui and adapt them with the functionality you need.

You need to modify them with QT-Designer and convert them using UIC to a python file.

Step 2: Understand what is needed in the recording interface#


A recording interface is a class that inherits from

RecordingInterfaceTemplate(main_window[, ...])

Base class for the recording interface of a visual interface.

Please read the documentation of the class and make a mental note of what you have to provide (e.g. signals, methods, attributes) and what you have to implement (e.g. start_recording, stop_recording, accept_recording).

Step 3: Implement a recording interface (Example Virtual Hand Interface)#

This example focuses on implementing and adding the recording interface for the Virtual Hand Interface using the VirtualHandInterface_RecordingInterface class from We explain how it is constructed and registered into MyoGestic via CONFIG_REGISTRY in


  1. Class Initialization and UI Setup

  2. Starting & Stopping Recordings

  3. Managing Recording Sessions

  4. Resetting the Interface

Step 3.1: Class Initialization and UI Setup#

This step initializes the recording interface’s buffers and task-related attributes. It also configures the UI elements required for this interface.

 1import time
 3import numpy as np
 4from PySide6.QtCore import SignalInstance
 5from PySide6.QtGui import QCloseEvent
 7from myogestic.gui.widgets.logger import LoggerLevel
 8from myogestic.gui.widgets.templates.visual_interface import RecordingInterfaceTemplate
 9from myogestic.gui.widgets.visual_interfaces.virtual_hand_interface.ui import (
10    Ui_RecordingVirtualHandInterface,
12from myogestic.utils.constants import RECORDING_DIR_PATH
Class Initialization#
17class VirtualHandInterface_RecordingInterface(RecordingInterfaceTemplate):
18    """
19    Class for the recording interface of the Virtual Hand Interface.
21    This class is responsible for handling the recording of EMG and kinematics data.
23    Parameters
24    ----------
25    main_window : MainWindow
26        The main window of the application.
27    name : str
28        The name of the interface, by default "VirtualHandInterface".
30        .. important:: This name is used to identify the interface in the main window. It should be unique.
31    incoming_message_signal : SignalInstance
32        The signal instance used to receive incoming messages from the device.
33    """
35    def __init__(
36        self,
37        main_window,
38        name: str = "VirtualHandInterface",
39        incoming_message_signal: SignalInstance = None,
40    ) -> None:
41        super().__init__(
42            main_window,
43            name,
44            ui=Ui_RecordingVirtualHandInterface(),
45            incoming_message_signal=incoming_message_signal,
46            ground_truth__nr_of_recording_values=9,
47            ground_truth__task_map={
48                "rest": 0,
49                "index": 1,
50                "thumb": 2,
51                "middle": 3,
52                "ring": 4,
53                "pinky": 5,
54                "fist": 6,
55                "pinch": 7,
56                "3fpinch": 8,
57                "pointing": 9,
58            }
59        )
61        RECORDING_DIR_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
63        self._current_task: str = ""
64        self._kinematics__buffer = []
66        self._recording_protocol = self._main_window.protocols[0]
68        self._has_finished_kinematics: bool = False
69        self._start_time: float = 0
71        self.initialize_ui_logic()
UI Setup#
 73    def initialize_ui_logic(self) -> None:
 74        """Initializes the logic for the UI elements."""
 75        ui: Ui_RecordingVirtualHandInterface = self.ui
 77        self._main_window.ui.recordVerticalLayout.addWidget(ui.recordRecordingGroupBox)
 78        self._main_window.ui.recordVerticalLayout.addWidget(
 79            ui.recordReviewRecordingStackedWidget
 80        )
 82        self.record_group_box = ui.recordRecordingGroupBox
 83        self.record_task_combo_box = ui.recordTaskComboBox
 84        self.record_duration_spin_box = ui.recordDurationSpinBox
 85        self.record_toggle_push_button = ui.recordRecordPushButton
 87        self.review_recording_stacked_widget = ui.recordReviewRecordingStackedWidget
 88        self.review_recording_task_label = ui.reviewRecordingTaskLabel
 89        self.review_recording_label_line_edit = ui.reviewRecordingLabelLineEdit
 91        self.review_recording_accept_push_button = ui.reviewRecordingAcceptPushButton
 92        self.review_recording_reject_push_button = ui.reviewRecordingRejectPushButton
 94        self.use_kinematics_check_box = ui.recordUseKinematicsCheckBox
 96        self.record_toggle_push_button.toggled.connect(self.start_recording)
 97        self.review_recording_accept_push_button.clicked.connect(self.accept_recording)
 98        self.review_recording_reject_push_button.clicked.connect(self.reject_recording)
100        self.record_ground_truth_progress_bar.setValue(0)
101        self.review_recording_stacked_widget.setCurrentIndex(0)

Step 3.2: Starting & Stopping Recordings#

This step manages the logic for starting or stopping recording sessions, which includes preparing recording parameters and updating the UI.

Start Recording Preparation - This method prepares the recording session.#
129    def start_recording_preparation(self) -> bool:
130        """Prepares the recording process by checking if the device is streaming."""
131        if (
132            not self._main_window.device__widget._get_current_widget()._device._is_streaming
133        ):
134            self._main_window.logger.print(
135                "Biosignal device not streaming!", level=LoggerLevel.ERROR
136            )
137            return False
139        self.kinematics_recording_time = int(
140            self.record_duration_spin_box.value() * KINEMATICS_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY
141        )
142        self._kinematics__buffer = []
143        return True
Start Recording - This method starts the recording session.#
103    def start_recording(self, checked: bool) -> None:
104        """Starts the recording process."""
105        if checked:
106            if not self.start_recording_preparation():
107                self.record_toggle_push_button.setChecked(False)
108                return
110            if not self._recording_protocol.start_recording_preparation(
111                self.record_duration_spin_box.value()
112            ):
113                self.record_toggle_push_button.setChecked(False)
114                return
116            self._start_time = time.time()
118            self.record_toggle_push_button.setText("Recording...")
119            self.record_group_box.setEnabled(False)
120            self._current_task = self.record_task_combo_box.currentText()
122            if self.use_kinematics_check_box.isChecked():
123                self.incoming_message_signal.connect(self.update_ground_truth_buffer)
125            self._has_finished_kinematics = (
126                not self.use_kinematics_check_box.isChecked()
127            )

Step 3.3: Managing Recording Sessions#

This step manages the recording session, which includes updating the UI and recording data.

Update Ground Truth Buffer - This method updates the ground-truth buffer with the current data.#
145    def update_ground_truth_buffer(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
146        """Updates the buffer with the incoming kinematics data."""
147        if not self.use_kinematics_check_box.isChecked():
148            return
150        self._kinematics__buffer.append((time.time(), data))
151        current_samples = len(self._kinematics__buffer)
152        self._set_progress_bar(
153            self.record_ground_truth_progress_bar,
154            current_samples,
155            self.kinematics_recording_time,
156        )
158        if current_samples >= self.kinematics_recording_time:
159            self._main_window.logger.print(
160                f"Kinematics recording finished at: {round(time.time() - self._start_time)} seconds"
161            )
162            self._has_finished_kinematics = True
163            self.incoming_message_signal.disconnect(self.update_ground_truth_buffer)
164            self.check_recording_completion()
Check Recording Completion - This method checks if the recording session is complete.#
166    def check_recording_completion(self) -> None:
167        """Checks if the recording process is complete and finishes it if so."""
168        if (
169            self._recording_protocol.is_biosignal_recording_complete
170            and self._has_finished_kinematics
171        ):
172            self.finish_recording()
Finish Recording - This method finalizes the recording session.#
174    def finish_recording(self) -> None:
175        """Finishes the recording process and switches to the review recording interface."""
176        self.review_recording_stacked_widget.setCurrentIndex(1)
177        self.record_toggle_push_button.setText("Finished Recording")
178        self.review_recording_task_label.setText(self._current_task.capitalize())
Accept Recording - This method accepts the recorded data and saves it.#
180    def accept_recording(self) -> None:
181        """
182        Accepts the current recording and saves the data to a pickle file.
184        The saved data is a dictionary containing:
186        - emg: A 2D NumPy array of EMG signals with time samples as rows and channels as columns.
187        - kinematics: A 2D NumPy array of kinematics data (empty if not used).
188        - timings_emg: A 1D NumPy array of timestamps for EMG samples.
189        - timings_kinematics: A 1D NumPy array of timestamps for kinematics samples (empty if not used).
190        - label: The user-provided label for the recording.
191        - task: The task being recorded.
192        - device: The name of the device used for recording.
193        - bad_channels: A list of channels marked as "bad."
194        - _sampling_frequency: The EMG sampling frequency.
195        - kinematics_sampling_frequency: The kinematics sampling frequency.
196        - recording_time: The recording duration in seconds.
197        - use_kinematics: Boolean indicating whether kinematics data was recorded.
198        """
199        label = self.review_recording_label_line_edit.text() or "default"
200        (
201            biosignal_data,
202            biosignal_timings,
203        ) = self._recording_protocol.retrieve_recorded_data()
205        self.save_recording(
206            biosignal=biosignal_data,
207            biosignal_timings=biosignal_timings,
208            ground_truth=(
209                np.vstack([data for _, data in self._kinematics__buffer]).T
210                if self.use_kinematics_check_box.isChecked()
211                else np.array([])
212            ),
213            ground_truth_timings=(
214                np.array([time_stamp for time_stamp, _ in self._kinematics__buffer])
215                if self.use_kinematics_check_box.isChecked()
216                else np.array([])
217            ),
218            recording_label=label,
219            task=self._current_task,
220            ground_truth_sampling_frequency=KINEMATICS_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY,
221            use_as_classification=not self.use_kinematics_check_box.isChecked(),
222            record_duration=self.record_duration_spin_box.value(),
223        )
225        self.reset_ui()
226        self._main_window.logger.print(
227            f"Recording of task {self._current_task.lower()} with label {label} accepted!"
228        )
Reject Recording - This method rejects the recorded data and discards it.#
230    def reject_recording(self) -> None:
231        """Rejects the current recording and resets the recording interface."""
232        self.reset_ui()
233        self._main_window.logger.print("Recording rejected.")

Step 3.4: Resetting the Interface#

This step resets the recording interface to its initial state.

Reset UI - This method resets the recording interface’s UI elements.#
235    def reset_ui(self) -> None:
236        """Resets the recording interface UI elements."""
237        self.review_recording_stacked_widget.setCurrentIndex(0)
238        self.record_toggle_push_button.setText("Start Recording")
239        self.record_toggle_push_button.setChecked(False)
240        self.record_group_box.setEnabled(True)
242        self._recording_protocol._reset_recording_ui()
244        self.record_ground_truth_progress_bar.setValue(0)
245        self._kinematics__buffer.clear()
Close Event - This method handles the closing event of the recording interface.#
247    def close_event(self, _: QCloseEvent) -> None:
248        """Closes the recording interface."""
249        self.record_toggle_push_button.setChecked(False)
250        self.reset_ui()
251        self._recording_protocol.close_event(_)
252        self._main_window.logger.print("Recording interface closed.")
Enable - This method enables the recording interface.#
254    def enable(self):
255        """Enable the UI elements."""
256        self.ui.recordRecordingGroupBox.setEnabled(True)
257        self.ui.recordReviewRecordingStackedWidget.setEnabled(True)
Disable - This method disables the recording interface.#
259    def disable(self):
260        """Disable the UI elements."""
261        self.ui.recordRecordingGroupBox.setEnabled(False)
262        self.ui.recordReviewRecordingStackedWidget.setEnabled(False)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 528 MB

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