import copy
from typing import TypedDict, Union, Dict, Type, Callable, Any, Literal, Optional, Tuple
from myoverse.datasets.filters._template import FilterBaseClass # noqa
from myogestic.gui.widgets.templates.output_system import OutputSystemTemplate
from myogestic.gui.widgets.templates.visual_interface import (
def _custom_message_handler(mode, context, message):
Custom message handler for the "warnings" module.
This function is used to suppress a QLayout warning that is not relevant to the user.
This warning is printed to the console when a new widget is added to a layout that already has a layout.
mode : str
The mode of the message.
context : dict
The context of the message.
message : str
The message to display.
# Suppress the specific warning
if "QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout" in message:
# Print other messages to the console
print(f"{mode}: {message}")
class IntParameter(TypedDict):
start_value: int
end_value: int
step: int
default_value: int
class FloatParameter(TypedDict):
start_value: float
end_value: float
step: float
default_value: float
class StringParameter(TypedDict):
default_value: str
class BoolParameter(TypedDict):
default_value: bool
class CategoricalParameter(TypedDict):
values: list[str]
default_value: str
ChangeableParameter = Union[
IntParameter, FloatParameter, StringParameter, BoolParameter, CategoricalParameter
UnchangeableParameter = Union[int, float, str, bool, list[str], None]
class Registry:
The registry class is used to store different components of a MyoGestic application pipeline.
models_map : dict[str, tuple[Any, bool]], optional
A dictionary that maps model names to tuples of model classes and whether the model is a classifier, by default {}. The tuple is in the form (model_class, is_classifier).
models_functions_map : dict[str, dict[Literal["save", "load", "train", "predict"], callable]], optional
A dictionary that maps model names to dictionaries of model functions, by default {}. The functions are `save`, `load`, `train`, and `predict`.
models_parameters_map : dict[str, dict[Literal["changeable", "unchangeable"], Union[ChangeableParameter, UnchangeableParameter]]], optional
A dictionary that maps model names to dictionaries of model parameters, by default {}. The parameters are `changeable` and `unchangeable`.
The `changeable` parameters are dictionaries of changeable parameters, while the `unchangeable` parameters are dictionaries of unchangeable parameters.
See the `ChangeableParameter` and `UnchangeableParameter` types for more information.
features_map : dict[str, type[FilterBaseClass]], optional
A dictionary that maps feature names to feature classes, by default {}.
The feature class must be subclasses of `FilterBaseClass`.
real_time_filters_map : dict[str, callable], optional
A dictionary that maps filter names to filter functions, by default {}.
A filter function is a callable that takes a single argument, which is the data to filter.
The data will be a list of floats that represent the regression output of a model.
visual_interfaces_map : dict[str, tuple[type[SetupInterfaceTemplate], type[RecordingInterfaceTemplate]]], optional
A dictionary that maps visual interface names to tuples of setup and recording interface classes, by default {}.
The setup interface class must be a subclass of `SetupInterfaceTemplate`, while the recording interface class must be a subclass of `RecordingInterfaceTemplate`.
output_systems_map : dict[str, type[OutputSystemTemplate]], optional
A dictionary that maps output system names to output system classes, by default {}.
The output system class must be a subclass of `OutputSystemTemplate`.
def __init__(self):
self.models_map: Dict[str, tuple[Any, bool]] = {}
self.models_functions_map: Dict[
str, Dict[Literal["save", "load", "train", "predict"], Callable]
] = {}
self.models_parameters_map: Dict[
Literal["changeable", "unchangeable"],
Union[ChangeableParameter, UnchangeableParameter],
] = {}
self.features_map: Dict[str, Type[FilterBaseClass]] = {}
self.real_time_filters_map: Dict[str, callable] = {}
self.visual_interfaces_map: Dict[
str, Tuple[Type[SetupInterfaceTemplate], Type[RecordingInterfaceTemplate]]
] = {}
self.output_systems_map: Dict[str, Type[OutputSystemTemplate]] = {}
def register_model(
name: str,
model_class: Type,
is_classifier: bool,
save_function: Callable,
load_function: Callable,
train_function: Callable,
predict_function: Callable,
changeable_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, ChangeableParameter]] = None,
unchangeable_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, UnchangeableParameter]] = None,
Register a model in the registry.
The model name must be unique.
name : str
The name of the model.
model_class : type
The class of the model.
is_classifier : bool
Whether the model is a classifier.
save_function : callable
The function to save the model.
load_function : callable
The function to load the model.
train_function : callable
The function to train the model.
predict_function : callable
The function to make predictions with the model.
changeable_parameters : dict of str to ChangeableParameter, optional
A dictionary of changeable parameters for the model. Default is None.
unchangeable_parameters : dict of str to UnchangeableParameter, optional
A dictionary of unchangeable parameters for the model. Default is None.
If the model is already registered.
if name in self.models_map:
raise ValueError(
f'Model "{name}" is already registered. Please choose a different name.'
self.models_map[name] = (model_class, is_classifier)
self.models_functions_map[name] = {
"save": save_function,
"load": load_function,
"train": train_function,
"predict": predict_function,
self.models_parameters_map[name] = {
"changeable": changeable_parameters or {},
"unchangeable": unchangeable_parameters or {},
def register_feature(self, name: str, feature: Type[FilterBaseClass]):
Register a feature in the registry.
.. note:: The feature name must be unique and the attribute `name` of the feature will be set to the feature name.
name : str
The name of the feature.
feature : Type[FilterBaseClass]
The feature to register.
If the feature is already registered
if name in self.features_map:
raise ValueError(
f'Feature "{name}" is already registered. Please choose a different name.'
) = name
self.features_map[name] = copy.deepcopy(feature)
def register_real_time_filter(self, name: str, function: callable):
Register a real-time filter in the registry.
.. note:: The filter name must be unique.
name : str
The name of the filter.
function : callable
The filter function.
If the filter is already registered.
if name in self.real_time_filters_map:
raise ValueError(
f'Filter "{name}" is already registered. Please choose a different name.'
self.real_time_filters_map[name] = function
def register_visual_interface(
name: str,
setup_interface_ui: Type[SetupInterfaceTemplate],
recording_interface_ui: Type[RecordingInterfaceTemplate],
Register a visual interface in the registry.
.. note:: The output modality name must be unique.
name : str
The name of the visual interface.
setup_interface_ui : Type[SetupInterfaceTemplate]
The setup interface class.
recording_interface_ui : Type[RecordingInterfaceTemplate]
The recording interface class.
If the visual interface is already registered.
if name in self.visual_interfaces_map:
raise ValueError(
f'Visual interface "{name}" is already registered. Please choose a different name.'
self.visual_interfaces_map[name] = (setup_interface_ui, recording_interface_ui)
def register_output_system(
self, name: str, output_system: Type[OutputSystemTemplate]
Register an output system in the registry.
.. note:: The output system name must be unique.
name : str
The name of the output system.
output_system : callable
The output system class.
If the output system is already registered.
if name in self.output_systems_map:
raise ValueError(
f'Output system "{name}" is already registered. Please choose a different name.'
self.output_systems_map[name] = output_system
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if "CONFIG_REGISTRY" not in globals():
import myogestic.default_config # noqa
import myogestic.user_config # noqa