Source code for myogestic.models.definitions.raulnet_models

This module contains the functions to save, load, train and predict using RaulNet models.

from pathlib import Path

import lightning as L
import numpy as np
import torch
from myoverse.datasets.filters.generic import IndexDataFilter
from myoverse.datasets.loader import EMGDatasetLoader
from lightning.pytorch.callbacks import StochasticWeightAveraging, ModelCheckpoint
from lightning.pytorch.loggers import CSVLogger

from myogestic.gui.widgets.logger import CustomLogger

[docs] def save(_: str, __: L.LightningModule) -> str: """ Save a RaulNet model. .. note:: Saving the model is not necessary as the model is saved automatically by PyTorch Lightning. This function only returns the path of the last saved model. Parameters ---------- _: str The path to save the model. __: L.LightningModule The RaulNet model to save. Returns ------- str The path where the model was saved. """ return sorted( list(Path("data/logs/RaulNet_models/").rglob("last.ckpt")), key=lambda x: int([-3].split("_")[-1]), )[-1]
def save_per_finger(_: str, __: L.LightningModule) -> str: """ Save a RaulNet model. .. note:: Saving the model is not necessary as the model is saved automatically by PyTorch Lightning. This function only returns the path of the last saved model. Parameters ---------- _: str The path to save the model. __: L.LightningModule The RaulNet model to save. Returns ------- str The path where the model was saved. """ parts = list( sorted( list(Path("data/logs/RaulNet_models_per_finger/").glob("*_*")), key=lambda x: int([-1].split("_")[0]), )[-1].parts ) parts[-1] = parts[-1].split("_")[0] return str(Path(*parts))
[docs] def load(model_path: str, model: L.LightningModule) -> L.LightningModule: """ load a RaulNet model. Parameters ---------- model_path: str The path to load the model. model: _CatBoostBase A new instance of the CatBoost model. This instance is used to load the model. Returns ------- _CatBoostBase The loaded RaulNet model. """ return model.__class__.load_from_checkpoint(model_path).to( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" )
def load_per_finger( model_path: str, model: L.LightningModule ) -> list[L.LightningModule]: """ load a RaulNet model. Parameters ---------- model_path: str The path to load the model. model: L.LightningModule A new instance of the CatBoost model. This instance is used to load the model. Returns ------- L.LightningModule The loaded RaulNet model. """ return [ model.__class__.load_from_checkpoint( list(Path(model_path + f"_{i}").rglob("last.ckpt"))[0] ).to("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") for i in range(3) ]
[docs] def train( model: L.LightningModule, dataset, _: bool, __: CustomLogger ) -> L.LightningModule: """ Train a RaulNet model. Parameters ---------- model: L.LightningModule The RaulNet model to train. dataset: dict The dataset to train the model with. _: bool If the model is a classifier. __: CustomLogger The logger to log the training process. Returns ------- L.LightningModule The trained RaulNet model. """ torch.set_float32_matmul_precision("medium") torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True hparams = model.hparams hparams["input_length__samples"] = dataset["emg"].shape[-1] hparams["nr_of_electrodes_per_grid"] = dataset["emg"].shape[-2] hparams["nr_of_outputs"] = dataset["kinematics"].shape[-1] model = model.__class__(**hparams) loader = EMGDatasetLoader( Path(r"data/datasets/" + dataset["zarr_file_path"]).resolve(), dataloader_parameters={ "batch_size": 64, "drop_last": True, "num_workers": 10, "pin_memory": True, "persistent_workers": True, }, ) Path("data/logs/").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) trainer = L.Trainer( accelerator="auto", devices=1, check_val_every_n_epoch=5, callbacks=[ StochasticWeightAveraging( swa_lrs=10 ** (-4), swa_epoch_start=0.5, annealing_epochs=5 ), ModelCheckpoint( monitor="val_loss", mode="min", save_top_k=1, save_last=True ), ], precision="16-mixed", max_epochs=50, logger=CSVLogger( name="RaulNet_models", save_dir=str(Path(r"data/logs/").resolve()) ), enable_checkpointing=True, enable_model_summary=True, deterministic=False, ), datamodule=loader) return model
def train_per_finger(model: L.LightningModule, dataset, _: bool, __: CustomLogger): """ Train a RaulNet model. Parameters ---------- model: L.LightningModule The RaulNet model to train. dataset: dict The dataset to train the model with. _: bool If the model is a classifier. __: CustomLogger The logger to log the training process. Returns ------- L.LightningModule The trained RaulNet model. """ torch.set_float32_matmul_precision("medium") torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True Path("data/logs/").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # find the latest version of the models try: version_nr = ( int( sorted( list(Path("data/logs/RaulNet_models_per_finger/").glob("*_*")), key=lambda x: int([-1].split("_")[0]), )[-1].name.split("_")[0] ) + 1 ) except Exception: version_nr = 0 for i in range(3): hparams = model.hparams hparams["input_length__samples"] = dataset["emg"].shape[-1] model = model.__class__(**hparams) loader = EMGDatasetLoader( Path(r"data/datasets/" + dataset["zarr_file_path"]).resolve(), dataloader_parameters={ "batch_size": 64, "drop_last": True, "num_workers": 10, "pin_memory": True, "persistent_workers": True, }, ground_truth_augmentation_pipeline=[ [IndexDataFilter(indices=(0, [i + 1]), is_output=True)] ], ) trainer = L.Trainer( accelerator="auto", devices=1, check_val_every_n_epoch=5, callbacks=[ StochasticWeightAveraging( swa_lrs=10 ** (-4), swa_epoch_start=0.5, annealing_epochs=5 ), ModelCheckpoint( monitor="val_loss", mode="min", save_top_k=1, save_last=True ), ], precision="16-mixed", max_epochs=20, logger=CSVLogger( name="RaulNet_models_per_finger", save_dir=str(Path(r"data/logs/").resolve()), version=f"{version_nr}_{i}", ), enable_checkpointing=True, enable_model_summary=True, deterministic=False, ), datamodule=loader) return
[docs] def predict( model: L.LightningModule, input: np.ndarray, is_classifier: bool ) -> list[float]: """ Predict with a RaulNet model. Parameters ---------- model: L.LightningModule The RaulNet model to predict with. input: np.ndarray The input data to predict. The shape of the input data will be (1, n_features, n_samples). is_classifier If the model is a classifier. Returns ------- list[float] The predicted output. """ if not is_classifier: with torch.inference_mode(): return list( model( torch.from_numpy(input) .to(torch.float32) .to(model.device)[None, ...] ) .detach() .cpu() .numpy()[0] )
def predict_per_finger( model: list[L.LightningModule], input: np.ndarray, is_classifier: bool ) -> list[float]: """ Predict with a RaulNet model. Parameters ---------- model: list[L.LightningModule] The RaulNet model to predict with. input: np.ndarray The input data to predict. The shape of the input data will be (1, n_features, n_samples). is_classifier If the model is a classifier. Returns ------- list[float] The predicted output. """ if not is_classifier: with torch.inference_mode(): return ( [0] + list( torch.concatenate( [ model[i]( torch.from_numpy(input) .to(torch.float32) .to(model[i].device)[None, ...] ) for i in range(3) ] ) .detach() .cpu() .numpy()[:, 0] ) + [0] )