Source code for myogestic.gui.protocols.record

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from PySide6.QtCore import QObject
from PySide6.QtGui import QCloseEvent

from myogestic.gui.widgets.logger import LoggerLevel
from myogestic.gui.widgets.templates.visual_interface import VisualInterface

    from myogestic.gui.myogestic import MyoGestic


[docs] class RecordProtocol(QObject): """Protocol for recording EMG and kinematics data. This class provides methods for recording EMG and kinematics data during specified tasks. It enables users to specify the recording duration, task type, and label, and handles the data recording process. Parameters ---------- main_window : MyoGestic The parent application that manages the recording protocol. Attributes ---------- _selected_visual_interface : Optional[VisualInterfaceTemplate] The visual interface used for the recording. _sampling_frequency : Optional[int] Sampling frequency of the biosignal device. _total_samples_to_record : int Total number of samples to be recorded. _biosignal__buffer : list[Tuple[float, np.ndarray]] Buffer for storing timestamped EMG data samples. is_biosignal_recording_complete : bool Indicates if the EMG recording process has completed. recording_start_time : float Start time of the recording session. """
[docs] def __init__(self, main_window: MyoGestic) -> None: super().__init__(main_window) self._main_window = main_window self._sampling_frequency: Optional[int] = None self._selected_visual_interface: Optional[VisualInterface] = None self._total_samples_to_record: int = 0 self._biosignal__buffer: list[Tuple[float, np.ndarray]] = [] self.is_biosignal_recording_complete: bool = False self.recording_start_time: float = 0.0
[docs] def start_recording_preparation(self, duration: float) -> bool: """Prepare for EMG data recording. Parameters ---------- duration : float Duration of the recording in seconds. Returns ------- bool True if preparation succeeds, False otherwise. """ device_widget = self._main_window.device__widget if not device_widget._get_current_widget()._device._is_streaming: # noqa self._main_window.logger.print( "Biosignal device is not streaming!", level=LoggerLevel.ERROR ) return False self._sampling_frequency = device_widget.get_device_information()[ "sampling_frequency" ] self._total_samples_to_record = int(duration * self._sampling_frequency) self._biosignal__buffer.clear() self.is_biosignal_recording_complete = False self.recording_start_time = time.time() device_widget.biosignal_data_arrived.connect(self.update_biosignal_buffer) return True
[docs] def update_biosignal_buffer(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None: """Update the buffer with incoming EMG data. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray New EMG data sample. """ self._biosignal__buffer.append((time.time(), data)) total_collected_samples = sum( sample.shape[1] for _, sample in self._biosignal__buffer ) self._main_window.ui.recordEMGProgressBar.setValue( int( (total_collected_samples / self._total_samples_to_record) * PROGRESS_BAR_MAX ) ) if total_collected_samples >= self._total_samples_to_record: self._complete_recording_process()
[docs] def _complete_recording_process(self) -> None: """Finalize the recording process.""" self._main_window.logger.print( f"EMG recording finished in {round(time.time() - self.recording_start_time, 2)} seconds." ) self.is_biosignal_recording_complete = True self._main_window.device__widget.biosignal_data_arrived.disconnect( self.update_biosignal_buffer ) if self._selected_visual_interface: self._selected_visual_interface.recording_interface_ui.check_recording_completion()
[docs] def retrieve_recorded_data(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Retrieve recorded EMG data and timestamps. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] A tuple of EMG data and corresponding timestamps. """ emg, timings = [], [] for timestamp, sample in self._biosignal__buffer: emg.append(sample) timings.append(timestamp) return np.stack(emg, axis=-1)[..., : self._total_samples_to_record], np.array( timings )
[docs] def _reset_recording_ui(self) -> None: """Reset the recording UI and clear the buffer.""" self._main_window.ui.recordEMGProgressBar.setValue(0) self._biosignal__buffer.clear()
[docs] def close_event(self, _: QCloseEvent) -> None: """Handle the close event for the recording protocol.""" self._reset_recording_ui() self.is_biosignal_recording_complete = False self._main_window.logger.print("Recording protocol closed.")